Thursday, December 15, 2005

6 Month Checkup/Photo Shoot

Claire had her 6 month checkup yesterday and got 4 shots, poor thing. I think it is harder on me than her, I get so nervous going into the dr's office almost like I am getting shots? Weird... anyways, she did really good this time, even the nurse was impressed. Here are her stats:

Weight: 15lbs 2oz - 50th percentile
Length: 26 1/4 - 75th percentile
Head: too small - 5th percentile (Einstein had a very small head as well)

Today we went and had her 6 month photos taken at JC Penney. She looked so cute in her red dress and red velvet shoes, Matt's mom came along too. The last photo they took was a profile and it is my favorite. I have illegally scanned it in and posted it to this site for you all to enjoy. Hopefully the blog police won't come and haul me away!

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