Ella is doing really well and continues to eat we went for her checkup at the Dr yesterday and she is already 6 lbs, 2 oz and has grown an inch! She was just 5 lbs 13 oz on Monday.a I think last night I got 4 hours of sleep so that is a new record, Matt doesn't get much sleep while he is here either. Ella sleeps really good during the day but thinks its fun to stay awake at night. It may take us a while to get her used to sleeping in a quiet room, quite a change from the sounds and lights of the noisy NICU.

What a beautiful little girl you are Ella! You look just like your handsome daddy:) Claire you are being an awesome big sister. You are teachig Ella so many things. I am sure Mommy and Daddy are so proud and grateful for both of you. So are Papa and Bamma. We love you all and miss you so much!
We thank God that Ella is growing by leaps and bounds and is so healthy. She is darling! I am sure Claire is going to seem alot older and be such a good Mommy's helper and little Ella's big sister!! Love you all--Larry and Diane
I'm so happy for all of you that your sweet girl is growing and thriving. The blessings God gives us through children and grandchildren are just amazing! We thank God for this blessing in your lives. We love you and thank God every time we think of you.... Pat & Q.'
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