The surgery happened so fast, I had 4 nurses in my room all drawing blood, putting my IV in and other stuff to prepare me for surgery, they told me I would have a spinal block similar to an epidural but it would wear off in about an hour. I then was ready and walked into a room that was about 40 degrees, it was sooo cold. They did the spinal block which wasn't horrible just a sting in my back and then they laid me on the table and asked if I was feeling numb yet. The anesthesiologist stayed right above my head in case somehow the spinal wasn't working. Matt was then able to come in and held my hand while I shook uncontrollably through the entire surgery. They said shaking is normal I guess. After they took Ella out they let me see her head and then rushed her off to the NICU in case she was unable to breath on her own. Matt was able to go with her. Meanwhile I had to lay in the 40 degree surgery room for an hour until I could feel my toes. I was then wheeled to my room where I would have to lay flat for 6 hours. Usually if the baby is term they will bring the baby into the room soon after but since she was in the NICU I had to wait the 6 hours till I could get out of bed and go see her.

Ella Marie Nietfeld
October 1st, 2007
4 lbs, 10.7 oz
18 3/4 Inches long
What a little blessing she is to us. How beautiful and tiny and sweet. We are so grateful that she is healthy and that everything worked out so well. We love our new little Ella and thank God for her and for all of you.
Bamma and Papa Hein
Kellie, Ella, Claire, and Matt - I'm SO glad that all of you are doing well, especially Ella!
What a scary experience, but it turned out so well! She's adorable! I'm glad you posted about what happened.
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