Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Claire's New Phrases

Claire has been talking up a storm, I must say I am pretty impressed with her vocabulary. Here are some funny phrases:

Bless you Mama/Dada (after we cough or sneeze)
What's that noise...Mama?
More milk... Mama... please.
Oh My Gosh!
What happened to our beautiful day, Bamma?
It's all right, it's all right, have a nice day
ABCD...EFG...LMNOP...XYZ this is the new alphabet
Where did Papa go?

These are just a few that I can think of she is talking so good, you would be amazed!


Anonymous said...

How darling she is! Kids are so funny....all of ours just keep us cracked-UP all the time. Sounds like your girl would fit right in with those Jeffers kids. :)

Blessings to you all. Hope you are feeling good! Q.'

Anonymous said...

We never hear a Bon Jovi song without thinking of you Claire and remembering you dancing with Papa and Bamma in Papa's shop singing Its a wight is a wight its a wight - have a nice day:)
We miss you,
Papa and Bamma