Since I took Claire's pacifier away yesterday I decided to let her do something she has never done before. I explained to her that since she no longer has her pacifier she is considered a big girl and gets to cook. She got to stand on a chair and cook, she stirred together some flour, water, and sprinkles. Claire cooked for a solid 45 mintues, look at the mess!

How fun- Kellie this was always yout favorite thing to do. You loved to cook with me and with Granda Hein. You had your little cookbook and thought you were such a big girl when you got to help. Looks like Claire is following in your footsteps in so many ways.
Love, Mom
Claire is so cute cooking! What a fun idea to let her play and mix!! :)
Kellie, can't believe Claire's done with the pacifier. Good idea with the throwing it away and big girl cooking. I bet she LOVED that. You're such a good Mom, keep it up! Love, Becky
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