Matt is the best. Such a short, simple word for how to describe it. There are others though - thoughtful, generous, smart, capable, kind, funny, handsome, sweet...every day he amazes me by adding another attribute to the list, and every day I thank God that he's in my life and agreed to be my husband. Beyond husband, Matt is so far, a great father. He's patient with Claire, loves to make her laugh, sings to her, and plays monster any chance he gets. I never doubted for a moment that Matt would be an amazing father, but to actually see them together fills my heart up in ways I never thought possible. Happy Anniversary Honey, you are the light of my life and I can't wait for what tomorrow brings!
Ohhh, these new posts make me cry! How sweet. Happy Anniversary guys! I love you!! The photos of Claire at the Harvest fest or whatever with her little barrett and blue shirt are ADORABLE! Our little cutie bo-booty just keeps getting cuter! I miss you all so much and love you. Love, Aunt Becky
Wow - I didn't realize it was already 2 years!
Congratulations! :)
Hi Matt, Kelly and Claire,
Congrats on your anniversary guys and your 30th B-day Matt. Hope all is well. All the pictures look awesome! Keep up the good work.
Take care, John
ps. Be careful in Alliance, there might be little Olds's runnin' around.
That's what I get for not checking on my blogging buddies....I miss an opportunity to wish you a happy anniversary! Isn't it great that we celebrate anniversaries all year long? So, it's never to late for best wishes! Many blessings to you and Matt....it's wonderful to see you both so happy! A big kiss to your sweet girl....Q.'
We are so blessed to have Matt in our family and that you and he are so happy and such good parents!! The three of you bring us such joy!! Happy anniversary and many more happy years!
Dad and Mom Hein
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