Next we carved the pumpkins and invited our neighbor over, his name is Cole and he is 13, him and Claire were instant friends.

Last but not least was trick or treating-Claire was a fairy princess. Brama and Papa Hein came up for the festivities. First we went downtown to the local businesses who handed out candy, she had fun except for the scary monsters. She loved going with Papa. Next my mom and I took her to the mall where they hand out candy. What a zoo that place was, my mom and I had more fun at Bath and Body Works. Overall she got lots of candy and managed to say "Trick or treat" twice, despite all the practice we had the week before.

Ella was going to be an angel, my mom found a dog costume- you might laugh but it was the only thing small enough for her to wear- too bad the costume malfunctioned. Better luck next year.
Well I think that is it, Happy Halloween!